
[For State News Logon to][For National News Logon to][For Sports News Logon to]
































































































































My First Bible Translation:
































































































































































































































































Chandel, 28th Oct. 2014: Rev. J. Simon, Exe. Secy., Mr. D. Peter, Mr. Ksen, le'  Mr. Loveson mmaan lim havgni Shillong thuh, mnit 3th - 5th Nov 2014 kpha thung ngi 'My First Bible' avah back translate ktlo lam rah.
































































































































































































































































North East, Mother Tongue Based, Multi-Lingual Education (NE-MTB/MLE)
































































































































































































































































Chandel, 28th Oct. 2014: Mr. Loveson, Convener LLEC leh Mr. Ksen, Translator rih North East, Mother Tongue Based, Multi-Lingual Education (NE-MTB/MLE) kih kerseel mnit 1st Nov 2014 Guwahati University, Assam thuh ka'am avah kyaulam rah.
































































































































































































































































Website Building Training:
































































































































































































































































Chandel, 20th Oct. 2014: Lamkaang website tpa'amna' rang kih then nih Mr. Ksen, Translator le' Mr. Loveson, Convener LLEC, mmaanve avah Seva Kendra, Pradhan Nagar, Siliguri (WB) thung ngi mnit 22-31 Oct 2014 kpha ngi ka'am lam rah.
































































































































































































































































The 1st Writers workshop
































































































































































































































































Place: Lamkaang Land. Dates: 31 July-1- 2 Aug 2014 (3 days). The team will arrive July 30 – departure 3rd August. Participants: 15-20 people.
































































































































































































































































The 1st Translators Orientation (training program)
































































































































































































































































Meeting with STEP NEI Projects coordinator– Scripture Engagement Partnership (North East India). Place: Lamkaang Land. Dates: 4-5-6 August 2014 (3 days). The team will arrive 3th August – departure 7 August. Participants: 20 (± 5) people.
































































































































































































































































Continue to work with the Lamkaang Calendar
































































































































































































































































Place: Lamkaang Land. Dates: any day 7-8 August 2014    Departure - 9 August. Participants: Lamkaang Committee, any adults.
































































































































































































































































Sharing of responsibility:
































































































































































































































































Some friends cover- travel fees of all specialists-facilitators from their places to Lamkaang Land and return. Stationary for the workshops. First draft printing materials. We expect from Lamkaang to organize the place for the workshops and specialists to stay and meal accommodation. Also, only for the Translators Orientation (5-7 Aug) we kindly ask you to find a lady- babysitter for two our children – 2,5 years old girl and 3 month boy.
































































































































































































































































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Your stories help make websites like this possible.